Classes for the St. Louis Community College program will be held at the the Bio-Research and Development Growth Park.
St. Louis Community College is accepting applications for a 16-week crash course in all things life sciences, created as a workforce retraining program through the $12 million Training for Tomorrow initiative.
Classes for the Bridge to STEM-Life Science program begin March 18 and there is room for about 20 students, said Stacy Edwards, senior project coordinator for the school's Workforce Solution Group.
The classes will be taught in the Bio-Research & Development Growth (BRDG) Park, 1005 N. Warson Road, and will include instruction in science, math and computer courses as well as hands-on lab experience. This is the third time the program is being offered, Edwards said. The first two classes awarded certificates to a total of 16 students.
Edwards said the program has an accelerated curriculum and is meant to give people the skills they need to start as lab assistants or fill other entry-level jobs in the life sciences while continuing their education, such as the Biotechnology associates degree program offered by St. Louis Community College.
The cost of the program will be covered by grant funding for those who qualify, Edwards said. More information about the program is available here.
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